What is a Hot Mopped Shower Pan?
A hot mopped shower is a type pan liner that is created by layering heated asphalt and specialty made felt paper in alternating layers starting and ending with the “hot” asphalt. This is applied over a solidly built pre slope to the drain, the pre slope is a necessary and important part of any shower pan system and must be within the 1/4″ to 1/2″ per foot “slope” to the drain from any point in the shower pan floor area. This is a code requirement and is included in our installation process. This type of shower pan is known for its durability to withstand construction traffic during and after your showers construction. Cost comparativeness with other systems, time tested results of effectiveness, quick installation time are but a few of advantages of using hot mopping for your project! Time and again it has proved to be the number one choice for contractors and homeowners alike. The go to method thru out southern California for decades!
How Does a Hot Mopped Shower Pan Function
All shower pan liner have the same function. That is to create a waterproof barrier at the floor of your shower that will keep the water in the containment area and direct it to the drain. One must remember that the shower pan liner is the unseen barrier that gives all the protection for your shower pan area! Tile and grout on the shower floor are not waterproof and although most of the water will flow to the drain after hitting the floor, some will soak through and reach the shower pan liner, be it hot mop or any other method. This is the design that is the standard of the industry. Water in water out! The importance of the slope that the shower pan liner is applied too has a major importance in the operation of your shower system. Seamless vertical application on walls, curbs, benches and other areas in the shower pan area are also a must as water from the walls of your shower and glass doors end up in the shower pan area! Hot mopping lets corners be tight, solid and uniform with the floor area to any transition.